Sabtu, 09 Mei 2015

pornography and pornographic action

pornography and pornographic action
By: Satria Saputra

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
Good morning ladies and gentlemen,
            Your honor, all juries of this competition, all participants of this competition as well as the teachers, and all ladies and gentlemen here I’m proud of.
            First of all, let’s say thanks to our God, that God has Given us a mercy as well as a chance so we could sit or stand here in healthy condition.
            Now let me introduce my self first, my name is Satria Saputra, I’m in the 2nd grade of natural science class in SMA 6 Jambi.
            Well on this occasion, I would like to deliver my speech entitling “pornography and pornographic action”. But beforehand, I am going to tell you the meaning of pornography itself. Pornography means a show of the part of woman’s or men’s body with the aim is to appear sexual drive or sexual desire of the people who see it. Its form can be in a painting, or in a picture, and it can also be in action.
            Well ladies and gentlemen
            As I see in news programs on television, pornography and pornographic action is hotly told by many people in our country nowadays, even I heard that government will create a new policy in a law to refuse pornography and pornography action’s coming to Indonesia. So many people suppose it as problem, especially parents’ groups. They are afraid of its bad effects will come to their children. Electronic medias as well as mass medias often show pornographic things and pornographic actions to the people. The doer doesn’t care about its bad effect which will influence the readers or the audiences especially teenagers. As I told you just now that pornography and pornographic action can appear sexual drive or sexual desire of the people who see it. So it clearly makes worse the moral of the readers or the audiences especially teenagers.
As the fact I watched on television some months ago, news about the number of free sex action doer, is more increased in our country recently. It has been proved that it is caused by pornography and pornographic action which is showed in the wrong places. It has really made so many parents worried about their children who are still teenagers and they are still not permitted to do this action.  And we should realize that it will exactly break down our nation moral as the country whose the most Moslem people. Then more and more, this also can break down this nation’s young generations.
Pornography has also relation to morality. It can make worse someone’s moral. For instance, an event happened last year 2013 about a young boy rapped a little girl under the age after watching pornographic action in VCD and about a father rapped his own daughter caused by watching pornographic programs on television also.
Indirectly, electronic medias and mass medias which show pornographic actions to the people are going to destroy this nation itself by breaking down its societies’ moral especially young generations. If the moral of young generations have been broken, who will develop and build up this nation then? if young generations’ moral have been worse, how can they manage this nation ? how can they bring this nation to the best future while they are flattered by this bad thing which invites them to do something wrong that will break down their future?
We can imagine, what will happen to this nation if pornography and pornographic actions keep increasing and keep destroying our young generations’ moral. It will influence our young generations’ sexual desire to do free sex in their young ages. That MBA (Married By Accident) has been being increased nowadays is one of the facts that pornography and pornographic action has influenced our nation successfully. It has given bad effects to the people especially teenagers. Their desire will appear to do sexual intercourse by watching pornography and pornographic actions in VCD, in television programs, and in magazines. So it’s not impossible for them to have sexual intercourse if they have got a partner, even single man and also woman who has no partner to do this action will find out everyway so they will be able to fulfill his own sexual desire.
What if it happens to our young generations? After fulfilling their sexual desire, will they find satisfaction, happiness and freedom of problems? Of course not. Even so many other problems will disturb them.

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